Beads For Babies

Beads for Babies
The Little Paws Collar Charms Program

The "Beads For Babies" program is completely free.
Does not matter if you want larger items, smaller items or a custom image for the front of the packaging. I even pay to ship the items to you/your shelter, even internationally in some cases. I established this program to help shelters who are willing to help themselves. If you are a legitimate non profit organization looking for some lovely little trinkets to sell to raise money for your cause, this is the place for you. I make collar/zipper charms in sets of 50-100 and mail them to you. You in turn can sell them online, at table events, at your shelter or adoption center for any price you deem suitable.  The last shelter I sent 100 charms to sold all 100 for for $5.00 each. Just like my jewelry,
ALL "beads for babies" charms are made lead free and nickle free.
 These items will look like this:

I can upon request change the front of the collar charm bag to include your
organizations name and web address.
View Examples of custom Packages: Joeys Jewels,
The back of the packaging will remain unchanged.
In order for me to be able to afford to make and donate the charms, I need to
make sales, and those sales are made by advertisement. Please do not take
the collar charms out of their packaging.

Can These Be made larger or smaller?

If you are interested in receiving some "Beads For Babies" for your shelter
please feel free to contact me at and include:
1. how many collar charms you are interested in receiving
2. an attached image of at least 350x350 pixels if you would like a custom image
the name of your organization & leader/founder
4. the links to all of your websites and social media pages
5. a contact phone number, hours that you can be contacted
-including your time zone- and return email address.

The list of requirements is a necessary evil, so to speak, so I am not contacted for free items from persons pretending to be an animal welfare cause in the hopes of getting free items they can remove from my packaging and sell as creations of their own. I do check all sources contacting me for free items.

Are You Seeking Jewelry Donations?
~ I do, very often, donate actual pieces of jewelry to charity fundraisers and auction events. Please send a detailed email to
including information about the event and yourself, contact information and how soon you need the items by / or if you will accept drop shipping.

~ I also offer free jewelry items for social media promotional events and raffles and even offer to ship the items to the winners myself, even if the winner is international.